Thursday, August 26, 2010

Off to a Bumpy Start

Hey guys!! I know it's been a few days since I posted but everything has been so hectic I don't know where to start, haha. 

Well, moving in on Saturday was as easy as can be.  It actually took a lot less time and I'm all reorganized and set up :D I'll have to take pics of the dorm(along with my clothes) so show where I'll be living.  The only trouble is that the dorm is pretty bland right now because we don't have any fun posters or anything to put on the wall, but we've decided to make it a movie poster theme so that's what we're gonna do.

Sunday was not as smooth as it could have been.  I was getting ready to start my lovely time of the month and all the clothes I tried on to wear for the first day of school made me think of Aaron and it made me really insecure to feel like I was going into this year of college without the kind of support I had from him. So Kayla said we'd go to Target that night and see if we could find something.  But, we had to go to a meeting for our dorm to chat about rules with the RAs then after Kayla and I were supposed to go to Target.  The only trouble is that this guy that totally screwed her over is getting back into her life and called saying that he was already on his way down to come visit her, but they had made no plans to hang out. So, Kayla got excited and I got upset(my horomones gave me a kick).  She asked me if I wanted her to call him to tell him to turn around and I said yes.  But whenever she tried to call him, he wouldn't answer(I think it was onpurpose because he knew what she was gonna say) so she said there wasn't much she could do.  With that, I cried a little and went to my friend Brady, who then went with me to Target while the guy I absolutely abhor hung out in my dorm room.  Still, I got a really cute pleated skirt, I'll have to put that up too, haha.

Well, once Monday rolled around things didn't get any better.  I ended up looking pretty darn cute and classes went by quickly and so did work, my head was just muddled from the crying I'd done and aaaaall that information you've got to take in on the first day.  So, after all that I had to go to the theatre meet-and-greet which happens at the beginning of every school year.  It was fantastic and I got to see all my friends from the department and even meet some new ones.  The stage manager meeting was really successful too and this year is going to be aaaaaamazing theatre-wise.  Then after the meeting the school was showing a movie out on one of the lawns so a few of us went down there to chill for awhile.  It was me, Rex, a cute guy named Derek, and two freshman named Jeremy and.....Hannah?  Anyway, Hannah was incredibly annoying and whenever I tried to chat with Derek she would fly in and ruin it.  So, I feel like Derek then put me in a group with her and wouldn't talk to me much and actually ran off to chat with another girl.  When that happend I was officially ready to go to my dorm, but as I went to leave I got a text from Kayla saying, "oh hey, so matt(evil prick boy) came to my work(he lives thirty minutes away) and asked if I want to hang out do you mind if we go to the dorm?(he's doing it on purpose so that she can't say no)." I got pissed and texted back," I've started my period(truth) and I am in a lot of pain and you know I don't like him(even bigger truth)."  Then somehow we got back translation over the next few texts and she ends up texting," if you want you can go over to Kerry's tonight and stay." I was seriously like what the hell? So, I texted back," is he staying the night now?" Then, all I get back is," :)"  I was about to punt my phone.  She then went on to say," you and Aaron got the dorm on the weekends all the time last year and I never mentioned it or asked for anything and this is the first time I'm asking." She guilt tripped me! So, I felt bad wanting to say, hell the fuck no, because I had overrun the dorm sometimes on the weekend.  Ultimately, I gave in and said, "fine, I'll find somewhere to stay, but I've lost all respect for you(we've talked but the loss is still kinda there in ways)." 
Anyway, after a half hour of trying to find a place to stay, my friend Brady stepped up again(he's a saint) and said it was no problem.  Relieved I went back to the dorm and warned Kayla that I was getting my stuff.  So, while I packing up the two of them came into the dorm(of course). Brady was with me and I got all my stuff together but in the pit of my stomach I could feel the most seering feeling of hate and destruction in my gut.  I have put up this kid's shit for ten months and Kayla can forgive him for how badly he's treated her over that period, but I can't.  So, when I walked out to the other room I looked at them and said," you guys can do this fucking shit, but at least Aaaron and I could save it for the weekend!" I then slammed the door shut, realized I left my purse, sparta kicked the door and yelled I needed my purse, I got it, I slammed the door even harder and absolutely broke down as I walked across the woodcrest(my dorm area) circle.  The entire time I screamed," he's a piece of shit, why does she even speak to him, he's an absolute piece of trash!!" I yelled and totally broke down and I know he heard it because he was by the window and it was open(:D). I then proceeded to cry for another two hours because I was mean and becasue he was in my dorm and because I was trying to be a good friend and give Kayla what she let me have last year.  An RA even came to see if I was ok because I made a pretty big scene, when I went across the circle all people could do was stare, haha.  So, Brady and my friend, Kerry, who came over when she heard I was having a melt down helped me get calmed down and I got supplies together and spent my first official night in college in a sleeping bag with a skinny body pillow for cushion.

Hello Tuesday! I woke up at 7:30 feeling like my body was ripping itself to shreds, I was cold and incredibly tired.  I was in too much pain to fall back asleep so I went in and out of half sleep, finally Brady got up and got ready and I finally sat up once he was close to done(he's gay so it's all good) and we chatted some more.  So, he left for class and I took his bed hostage and slept for another hour, but woke up again feeling sick so I watched three episodes of Spongebob then got ready for class.  But, of course, I had to get some things I had forgotten in my room so I texted Kayla," I left some stuff in the room I need so he needs to be gone by 10:30." When I told her I was about to leave she said they were already heading for his car.  I got to my dorm and did what I needed, then Kayla returned with her friend Michelle and we were polite, but that was it.  Theeeeeeen, I missed my first class of astronomy.  I was ready to leave early so I went early, but apparently that was too early.   I waited until five minutes before class and there was no one and the doors were locked.  So, I went to the student union and checked my email to see if class was cancelled.  Nothing.  I went back again and the doors were still locked(I was now on the verge of tears).  I, then, went down to the physics office and the nice lady called my teacher and he said the door was proped open(lies!!!) but he just said that the stuff I needed was online and that was it.  After that I went to the bathroom and broke down...again.  This time I crumbled and called my mom who then came and picked me up and we went out to lunch to Chipotle.  I didn't want to Kayla out on having a guy over and especially not me having Aaron over so much last year, but it all spilled out without a thought and my mom was totally cool...well besides the fact I kind of booted myself from my dorm because of a needle dick(it's true, Kayla said so, and he has no staying power, tee hee).  So, her and I chatted and we worked out everything and I felt a bazillion times better, I love mommies :) then her and I went and got this awful book switch up thing that also helped to my break down previously.  She dropped me off at the dorm and soon after Kayla was over.  I wasn't mad anymore and neither was she so we hugged and talked it out.  I said that he can't be there while I'm on campus or if it sounds like I have any plans on coming to the dorm and she understood and then said that the night before the two of them did nothing.  They watched a movie(hopeful Matt was paranoid and watching the window to see if I was coming with a knife) and the two just fell asleep.  And I believe her whole-heartedly when she stays she just strictly wants to be friends with him.  Because she got screwed over once and that was not going to happen again(why she still speaks to him at all though is beyond me).  The only trouble is I don't believe Matt for anything and she says she does not trust him.  I then made a few jokes about how he shouldn't be on this earth and everything was better. 
After all these ordeals and everything I had to go work auditions for the theatre department with the other stage managers.  I got there at 4:30 and didn't get out until 12:15, it was the best part of my day though because I just love the theatre dept. 

Yesterday! Everything went really really well :D it all went smooth and I relaxed and I got stuff done and I got a grande ice mocha with no whipped cream from starbucks because I was about to fall asleep and face plant the concrete haha.  I did get grouchy though because Aaron had texted me last night asking what happend last night between Kayla and I, but I couldn't answer because I was in rehearsal, so I texted him yesterday asking if everything was cool.  So, I told him my side of the story and then he texted me "yeah it just sucks that I heard it from kayla, not you" and I was like, seriously? We're not dating anymore you don't need a play by play of my life, end of story.  I was planning on telling him what went down but I am going to do that at my own pace, plain and simple. So, I called him out for trying to make me feel guilty for not running to him like a wimpy girl because shit happend.  We broke up so I could learn how to handle shit on my own.  After I called him out he backed down and cooled off and we chatted about pokemon, but then it turned into short, awkward answers and honestly I was happy to be able to leave for callbacks for Rocky.  The callbacks were absolutely fantastic too! Everyone did great and I'm seriously spazzing over how great it's going to be :D

Sooooooooooooooooooo, that's what has happend in the past five days, a lot of bad, but some good is finally starting to come from it, hurray! <3

1 comment:

  1. Ekk! It was so great reading this post, even if it wasn't the perkiest, because it's so nice to know everything that's been up with you!

    I can't believe that guy's back though D: That's absolutely horrible. I know what it's like to have someone in your room that you can't stand but there's nothing you can do about it. Luckily my roommate this year is nicer than last year, so I'm hoping everything will be okay.

    It makes me sad to hear how hard these days have been for you because you're the strong, fun-loving one!! I'm the moody depressed college student, not you!! ;_; I'm glad things are looking up though. Maybe one weekend, if you're not busy, we can both plan to go home and have a sleepover and go thrift shopping! There's this one really cool store I found and I know you'd like it.

    This is kinda random, but I've been watching my dvds of Tenchi Muyo and I can't wait for the convention!! Haha. I need to get my ticket and book a hotel room still though. I know it's super early but I'm paranoid!

    Anyway, miss you! <3
