Friday, August 27, 2010

Mmmmmmm Friday!

Hurray!! TGIF! Today has gone pretty darn smooth :D The only trouble was that I could not for the life of me decide what to wear today, haha.  Even though I've decided my Intro to Theatre Design is the most boring class in the world x_x all the teacher does is ramble and it's a whole lot of blah to take in at 9 in the morning.  Then, I won't even be having my philosophy until Monday next week because my teacher is at some conference in Beijing, go figure, lol.  Then there's my Mathmatics for Liberal Arts class....booo! It just makes my brain pop from all the random connections made with numbers.  Also, French is a trip too because it may be french 3 but that does not mean I can listen to fluent french and keep up without a hitch, hahaha, on the contrary, I'm fighting just to understand the sentence my teacher said two minutes ago I'm nowhere near getting to where she is now, haha. 

But on a lighter note, the Rocky Horror cast has been posted and an absolutely gorgeous(straight) guy has been cast as Rocky!  His name is Drew and I've really started to chat with him over the past few days.  His audition obviously went well and he did awesome at callbacks.  Ooooh man, speaking of callbacks they were hilarious! All of the people called back had to dress in understyle clothing, haha.  So, the boys wore speedos or some baggy shorts and girls had spandex shorts and cute bras.  They were a hoot to look at.  But this ties into why Drew is so absolutely gorgeous and I'm not saying this in a creepy way, it's just true.  See, he came into auditions totally shirtless, had on dress-like shoes and tall socks and then he had on this speedo thing that had BRAZIL written on the butt and was bright yellow and green, haha, it was fantastic! His outfit totally showed off how tan, toned and flawless he is.  The huge plus about it though, was that speedo showed off a package from god, hahahahaha.  I mean you would look at him, but your eyes would just dart down because it was just...there.  He even brought a little lamb toy he was thinking of using to stuff with, but hunny, he definetly didn't need it, hahaha. 

So, today we got the cast lists up and I got to watch people get overjoyed or upset over them(I'm so glad I'm not apart of that).  I am really happy for everyone who got a part because a lot of people never had gotten a lead before <3 But I saw Drew and his friend Zack(who is also pretty darn cute) and ran up and hugged them both and congratulated them.  We then chatted and Drew brought up the fact about the little lamb he had brought last night.  He said that he really hadn't seen other guys junk before so he personally thought he was small.  So, when people asked him if he was stuffing last night he thought that they were making fun of him! Haha, I just can't stop giggling about that.  I then proceeded to tell him that if he had used that poor lamb that he would have sincerely scared some people, at least from a woman's prespective(sly little compliment, huh? lol). 

That was pretty much the funniest part of my day today so I just wanted to share :D hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll be sure to update again soon!


  1. hahaha glad your friday was better :) and thanks for clarifying he is straight. seriously, i probably would have wondered. :)

  2. I want to see this man friend of yours. And let me know when the show is, I want to come see it! Oh and I'm going to NKU sometime this week, maybe I will visit if you and Kayla aren't too busy? Let me know (: Glad your day was better
