Thursday, October 21, 2010

You're Going to Think I'm Crazy

Hey ladies!! So, I've been mega busy, but I thought I'd drop in a little post.  Like my title says, I think you guys may think I'm crazy but....I'm trying to get back together with Aaron, haha.  I know I harped about how we needed to be broken up and experience everything on our own, but it really wasn't all that great.  I mean being single was fun, it was a good three months, but I was never really happy, Kayla can vouch for that, haha.  I felt like I was constantly lonely even though I was with friends and it was not a good feeling at all :/ also, Aaron has been doing everything in his power to make himself what I want.  He got a whole new waredrobe(he looks amazing), he's been making tons of friends and doing his own thing(hallelujah!).  I think three months is a short time to be apart, but a lot has actually happend.  I refuse to let our relationship be cut and dry of what it was last time, so hopefully we'll be able to be a functional couple in society like a normal college couple, not stuck up each other's ass, lol

Ooooo, another fun thing is that in March I'm going to be headed to Atlanta, Georgia for a conference :D It's called SETC which is the Southeastern Theatre Conference.  It's a place where people from all over come and have interviews with real companies to hopefully get a job for the summer or year round.  I don't have much experience stage managing or even finding a job in theatre so my director for Rocky said that it was a must for me to go because I need to start getting into the swing of finding work asap, since that's basically my life calling, haha.  I'm really pumped about going and really nervous too! I mean I doubt I'll get work this time around because I have no experience compared to everyone going, but if I could get a job at the this conference sometime that means I could go anywhere in the southeast for work, fingers crossed for Myrtle Beach! Haha

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Woo! Slight Free Time!!

Hey everyone!! :D I'm so sorry I've been living under a rock for the past two months, it really hasn't been my intention, everything just keeps coming in undeniable waves, haha.  Well, for starters, even though I am single Aaron keeps popping in and it's kinda getting on my nerves.  He's either sweet, angry or upset and I think I finally may have cut him off, haha.  I told him flat out that we needed to stop talking because it was just keeping us in a depressing limbo and we need time apart to just sort ourselves out..alone.  He finally got the gist(amen!) So, I'm trying out the real single scene after two months and it kinda sucks, lol.  For some reason I thought boys and just people in general would pop up left and right and I wouldn't have time to think about Aaron because I'd be busy chatting and making friends with everyone.  Weeell, that hasn't really been the case. I'm starting to slowly make friends but it just isn't going very fast and it's driving me up a wall @.@

But on a positive note The Rocky Horror Show is going amazingly :D! The actors, costumes and set are coming along beautifully <3 I'm so proud and happy to be apart of this show and it is sooo going to be worth seeing, no joke. 

Also, by being single I've realized I'm not much of a hot stud flirter, haha.  There is a majorly cute guy in the theatre dept. that is also my lab partner in astronomy(I alsmot died, not gonna lie, lol) and I suck at talking to him.  I just choke up and can't think of anything meaningful or interesting to say.  So, I feel like finding ways to get him to notice me is helping me get over Aaron because it's keeping me preoccupied, haha. 

The freetime I've gained for being single has been enlightening too.  I love only having to plan according to my schedule and what I want to do :D I've partied like a crazy person for the past two weeks and got sick because of it on Monday.  It was a nasty cold that has been going around Rocky and I'm finally getting over it, just a lot of drainage coughs.  So, hurray for getting better!!

That's really all that has been going on, haha, not too much, maybe even a little boy crazy but what can you do.  I get lonely somedays that's for sure and other days I'm full of inspiration to get somewhere, it varies a lot.  Hopefully all this time to myself will help me figure out something about myself since that was the original goal of the break up.  I feel like taking philosophy class this semester couldn't ahve been better timing either because it may just be an intro class, but I'm totally blown away by some of the articles I've had to read.  I love them and generally understand them, but they definetly spark you to look at things in a different light and it's a fantastic experience. 

The extra time has also forced me to branch out in ways to entertain myself.  I have therefore fallen on the websites of and  Both of them I totally recomment anyone checking out! is a website about a guy who goes around and has people right down a saying that was said to them once and then take a picture of them holding the quote, they're amazing and I'm actually going to try and do my own this weekend :D Next time all of us hang out we should try and do this, it'd be a really fun experience.  And is a website with clothing that I would push multiple people down stairs to have, haha.  So give them a look they'll surely keep you busy for a few hours <3